I have potentially saved $214,270 when I retire, for what is a small lifestyle change.
Until recently, I was one of those habitual people who joined the ‘production’ queue at the local coffee shop, ordering my soy latte, creeping into the office, and slowly sipping while waking up to the myriad of emails …all asking me questions my head just wasn’t ready to answer.
With the cost of living going up, I guess I am starting to question the value of 𝐜𝐚𝐟𝐞 coffee to simply get started in the morning. I always envisioned that drinking good coffee was sitting at a nice café basking in the sun and having a thought-provoking conversation with friends. A social experience.
Six months ago I made a healthy lifestyle choice to take up intermittent fasting which involves putting away the fancy lattes (at least on weekdays) and drinking a black coffee instead in the morning, which is something I can easily access at the office, provided by the office ( it is a fresh grind don't worry 😅 ).
So the question I ask myself is, if I am no longer buying coffee every weekday (sometimes more than once), then how much am I saving over a 12-month period? Or even better, how much would I save with accumulated interest until the day I eventually retire (65)?
I spent my weekend having fun, building a simple app (using Salesforce Heroku) to calculate the numbers/savings based on the average coffee rates in Sydney. The results give me some interesting insights.
✅ Small incremental changes in your spending can have a significant impact on your long-term financial wealth generation. Especially if it’s a bad habit you are changing for a good habit.
✅ If something this small can have this much impact on my retirement, then having a financial strategy with an adviser can have a much more significant impact.
Try the app (it's beta version) and see your numbers --> https://expert-coffee-909cfc0e08c3.herokuapp.com/expert-coffee.html
#wealth #retirementplanning #coffeecost #costofliving #expertwealth